Keep a record of bedwetting and diapering!

This calendar application allows you to keep track of bedwetting and diapers.
There are many features that allow you to customize the look and feel, such as colors and wallpaper!
・ Keep track of bedwetting
・ Keep track of the number of diapers
・ Keep track of the number of diapers worn
・ You can attach your favorite images to the record
・ You can attach any image you like to the record
・ You can register images as icons and easily reuse them
・ You can set the color and wallpaper of the application as you like
and more…
No one laughs when a crippled person decorates his wheelchair or cane with stickers.
Your bedwetting is no different.
You don’t have to feel guilty about recording your bedwetting in a cute way!
Record your bedwetting in your own unique design!